STORY- In this 1970s set crime drama, a woman is forced to go on the run after her husband betrays his partners, sending her and her baby on a dangerous journey.
REVIEW- Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger goes the saying….unless, of course, you’ve been in a high-speed multi-vehicle car accident, but I’m Your Woman, what Jean (Rachel Brosnahan) is about to go through, courtesy of her husband will prove this.
At odds with being a housewife even being able to cook an egg and struggling to cope with a seemingly always crying baby, her life is thrown into turmoil. In the middle of the night, one of Eddie’s shady associates is banging at the door telling her to collect her things and leave. Reasons are unknown except that if she doesn’t her life will be in danger if she stays.
Like Joey Essex approaching a door marked ‘Push,’ she is bewildered and flustered but goes along with it and is driven by Cal (Arinze Kene), where they stay in a variety of motels until he drops her off at her new home with strict instructions not to talk with anyone. Still in the dark about where her husband is, she’s told, ‘Everyone’s looking, and they’re looking for you too!’ I’m your Woman plays like a mob organized witness relocation scheme. And we’re kept in the dark about what Eddie has done, as is Jean, with the film gradually revealing the truth. It’s part of the film’s pleasure that information is disclosed to both us and Jean at the same time.