Wonder Woman 1984 Is A Disappointing Sequel

STORY- Diana must contend with a work colleague and businessman, whose desire for extreme wealth sends the world down a path of destruction after an ancient artifact that grants wishes go missing.

REVIEW- Wonder Woman 1984 is a disappointing sequel. It isn’t solely because the movie itself is raw, but it represents a significant step backward for a franchise. While the first movie is not perfect, it still scores well as a memorable, influential, and quality film. WW84 ends up just being another movie that goes into that inoffensive and unmemorable pile of flicks where you’ll forget the bulk of it by the time you watch something else.

It’s a shame because there is a lot of the movie that could and should work. Actors are acting, characters are characterizing, plotting, but nothing makes it feel more than that. It feels like a first draft kind of movie, and they just rolled with it. Not that you need excessive focus group testing and 25 corporate writers to make your script. It would have benefited from some extra input and someone with the job title of “Hey, wait a minute!” to flesh out the ideas while also bringing the focus in tighter.

The movie feels unwieldy, like it is barely holding itself together due to chronic sequel-itis. So inoffensive, it almost becomes offensive in how tedious it can be. I’ve said it before, but few things bum me out more than movies that waste potential.

Sometimes it feels like the Suicide Squad. “Hey, that part is good. Wow, this part is boring. That actor is doing well. What’s going on here? Why are they doing that? That was a nice moment. Hey, these actors have chemistry. Hang on, what did they say?”

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