Americans on how they’d spend $1400 for stimulus checks

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Americans how to want to spend $1,400 cash. The replies were fascinating.

It was supposed to be a 2-week lockdown. Instead, it cost people more than a year and a massive loss of interest in work that cannot be described in words.
Lost family. Lost jobs. Lost hope. COVID-19 has caused a considerable chaos and ripped the country apart, causing a considerable loss of lives,
taking the lives of more than 500,000 people and counting, making a substantial economic loss.
After a few months have passed away, more than 10 million citizens remain jobless. Nearly 40 million are a threat for expulsion as they are brave enough for the most significant housing crisis since the Great Depression. More than 79 million citizens say they can’t pay for their daily needs like electricity bills, water, and food.

The representative house can vote as soon as Friday on President Joe Biden’s offered $1.9 trillion relief money for the needy people, including $1,400 money, and will be given checks. If the bill is passed, it will go to the Senate, where many politicians, who debate with each other that assistance dissuades and creates issues for the people looking for work, are looking forward to making some provisions. Nearly 80% of adults said they need an economic
the resource pack, according to the Pew Research Center.

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