Police uploaded two bodycam videos Sunday that confirmed officials who were trying to stop and a distraught nine-year-old girl who was tied or, in other words, we can say handcuffed and was tortured with a harmful chemical “compound.” At the same time, she refused to obey the instructions.
The release of the video footage by the Rochester Police Department got here after state Mayor Lovely Warren shared her views on the incident and the situation that had come up after this incident for the “child” that was hurt all through when the incident happened on Friday.”
She also mentioned her ten-year-old daughter and said she’s a child. She’s a baby”, Warren stated. “This clip, as a mother, is not something you want to see’’.
In the video, the girl cries for help and frenziedly shouts and yells for her father. The police officers forcefully restrain her after answering a call over “family trouble” Friday afternoon. Nine police officers and RPD officials responded to the command, police stated in their statement.
At a News convention Sunday, Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson explained the girl’s situation as suicidal.
When officials attempted to place the girl into the back of the patrol car, she resisted and tried to run away and kicked the officers.
In their statement Saturday, police stated the girl’s actions “required” an officer to handle her and put her on the ground, ad “for the other’s protection and on the request of the parent in police custody at the scene,” the kid was then handcuffed and positioned in the back of the police vehicle as they waited for the ambulance to arrive at the scene.
And after she resisted the police officer’s commands and was further sprayed with an “irritant” while she was handcuffed, police stated on Saturday.
The case will be taken forward when there will be a proper study of the whole point properly.