Women around the world dream of having shining and thick hair. Yet many compromise with the existing quality, believing that Mother Nature has simply planned against their beauty. It is true, genetics has an important role in determining the thickness of your hair, but thousands of women with limp, dry, and thin hair have their habits to blame for such texture.
A board-certified dermatologist in New York, Dr. Joshua Zeichner says that the women who face hair thinning problems could do some important things to maintain the health of their hair while promoting the growth of new hair.
What he said is absolutely right. Many people who firmly believe they have been passed the gene of thin hair from their maternal or paternal side, have noticed drastic changes in the quality of hair after switching up their hair management routine for a couple of years.
Here are some tips for maintaining the health of your pretty strands.
- Goodbye to Heat
Most importantly, you must bid goodbye to every form of direct heat from your hair routine. Where do you get direct heat from? It comes from hot styling tools like hot combs, curling irons, hot rollers, and curling wands, that come in direct contact with your hair. Regularly using them could result in dry, damaged, and limp hair.
- Regular Trimming
There are two benefits of regularly cutting or trimming your hair. Regular trimming means twice in one year. Firstly, trimming the blunt ends will help in giving a fuller and thicker appearance to your hair. In addition to this, the split ends in your hair that is the main cause of frizziness, will easily be removed after a few sessions to give a breakage-free and thick hair.
- Deep Conditioning
Make deep conditioning a regular part of your hair care routine. It helps in retaining and restoring moisture in your hair. However, if you choose to deep condition once or twice a week with heat, it could lift the cuticle of your hair to allow the conditioner to penetrate deeper in your strands.