80 Million Votes For Biden And Counting

More than 80 million votes have been in favor of the President-elect Joe Biden. This isn’t it. The votes are still being counted. These numbers reflect that Joe Biden has received more votes than any candidate in the history of the United States had ever received. However, President Donald Trump still has the honor of holding the second-most votes (74 million in 2016) of all time. 

The current numbers received by Joe Biden have shattered the record made in 2008 by then-President candidate Barack Obama. The latter received 69.5 million votes. As the running mate of Barack Obama, Joe Biden was also running on his ticket as the Vice President of the U.S. in 2008. 

In 2020, more than 156 million residents of the United States have cast ballots in favor of their favorite candidate. This number is sure to increase in the coming days as the counting of the ballots progresses. It is estimated that around 158 million votes will be counted by the end of the election counting process. In 2016, 137 million votes were cast. This time, the numbers are predicted to be 20 million higher than that number. 

The United States Elections Project says that an estimate of 66.5 percent out of the total eligible voters have cast their ballot this year. This will be the highest number of votes cast since 1990.  

Especially at the time of a pandemic, these figures are remarkable. As more than 250,000 Americans have lost their lives and statewide lockdowns had been imposed in eight months since the pandemic began spreading in 2020, the candidates had to restrict their campaigns and physical voter registration requests.


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