Periods are the basic biological predisposition of a lady, not a luxury or demand. On average, a woman spends 7 years of her precious life menstruating without having a choice. Yet, thousands of girls and women globally have no access to period products. The unhygienic lifestyle motivated by the lack of money to spend on safe period products causes a high risk of life-threatening diseases to such women.
The Parliament of Scotland mentioned on its website that the Scottish government will have to set up a system that regulates the prepper supply of enough period products to the women and girls in need. Universities, colleges, and schools will also be compelled to provide period products in every restroom for free. As per the law, the education providers and local authorities will have to ensure that the free products are made available in the remotest corners of the country.
As per the financial memorandum of the bill, approximately 1.57 million women and girls are menstruating in Scotland. Taking this number under consideration, this law will cast approximately £8.7 million to the government of Scotland in the financial year 2022-23. However, the exact real cost will only depend on the number of individuals using these products.
In 2017, Lennon published a document that stressed the requirement of making period products free in the country. She spoke about the brutal realities of homelessness and poverty in Scotland and the other parts of the United Kingdoms. In her document, Lennon said that the women were forced to choose between their meals and menstrual products, out of which as expected, they would choose food.