Erin Brockovich talks about her new state of ‘forever chemicals’ in our water. Along with their broad latent impact on health.
Erin Brockovich’s name has become equal with those investigating and holding companies to account for polluting people’s water.
Actor Julia Robert’s sassy film depicts the single mum’s key role in winning the largest settlement ever awarded. Moreover, at the time for a valid action lawsuit on Pacific Gas and Electric made her a household name.
She did this without any scientific, medical, and legal training. The case claimed pollution of the water with the carcinogen hexavalent chromium in the southern California town of Hinkley.
“Hinkley woke me up,” said Erin.
Everyone said that the two-headed frog and the green water was regular. Also, she yelled bullshit in a way that those who know the movie would discern.
Working as a legal clerk for Masry & Vititoe, she helped to secure around $333 million. Moreover, for over 600 plaintiffs who affirmed injuries from taking the contaminated water.
Erin says many of the people involved have suffered reproductive issues, cancer, and nearly 60 former plaintiffs have died.
PG&E is saying that they are working on cleaning up chromium-6 in groundwater. Thus, it is a result of a historical operation at the Hinkley Compressor Station. They said, adding that they have taken action to stop the migration of affected groundwater. Moreover, they’re operating many treatment ways to clean up the groundwater.
As a result, nearly 200 million people across America are exposed to unsafe levels of the Hinkley chemical. According to a study of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data by non-profit researchers, the Environmental Working Group.