Nashville Explosion Looks “Intentional”

Outside the AT&T building nearby, police found a suspicious RV parked near Second Avenue and Commerce Street around 6 am. This was noted at the time when the policemen were answering calls of shots that were fired in the said area. This information was provided by Don Aaron spokesperson of Metro Police.
Immediately, no evidence of a shooting was found by any policemen, but the officers instantly alerted the bomb squad of the department. This bomb squad was en route at the time when a significant explosion occurred approximately 30 minutes after the said incident, said Aaron.
Moments before the blast occurred, officers in the area were conducting door-to-door checks. These officers also redirected a man who was walking his dog along the road. One officer was instantly knocked to the ground by the force of the explosion. Many people in the area were hospitalized with minor to severe injuries, said police.
As per the information given by Aaron, they still don’t know if anyone was inside the RV during the explosion.
Many people were taken to the central precinct of the department for questioning. Still, the authorities concerned with the incident didn’t give any details when asked on Friday Morning.
The downtown region of Nashville was seeing an active investigation as space was sealed by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) who was working with the support of state and federal agencies at Nashville.
Judd Deere White House Deputy Press Secretary said that President Trump has been briefed about the situation and the concerned authorities will be providing regular updates about the incident to him.



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