Transgender people:- The story about the transgender people was published in partnership with The 19th, public welfare, nonpartisan the media reporting on gender, politics, and policy.
Rachel Crandall Crocker, the creator of the Internation Transgender Day of Visibility, desires humans to have a second of joy. So she made a Facebook post encouraging people to organize festivals of their Hometowns and began messenger accounts from all around the world. It became worth a shot.
“I’d been looking around us there to be a unique day for us for a protracted time”. She called it once again. “And I was ready and expecting someone else to do it. And then eventually I said, “I’m no longer waiting for anyone anymore. I’m going to complete my
dream”. It was 2009, and at the time, the best annual occasion that most of the transgender groups had not a single thing to celebrate.
In 1998, Rita Hester, a black transgender lady in Boston, was brutally murdered in her very own apartment. Transgender women were tired of being targets and being disregarded by the media, which misgendered Hester. They marched thru Hester’s neighbourhood, and Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day for remembering and
honouring transgender murder victims turned out to be born.
“Transgender Day of Visibility is a light of hope,” stated Nia Clark, a Black Transgender woman. “It’s simply a sign for others that we’re right here and there are sources out there, that there are humans in lifestyles who also might be similar to you”.
There are many different people around us, every person cannot be the same, and all of us must accept this reality. Many people suffer from such problems, so instead of judging and mistreating them, we should motivate and treat them as equals.