Summary- After having a near-death experience, an unnamed CIA operative, known as the Protagonist, is selected to join the ranks of the shadowy government organization called Tenet. The group tasked with ensuring the survival of human race. Entrusted with coming to grips with a terrifying, cutting-edge technology and an imminent attack from the future, the Protagonist teams up with his cryptic new partner, Neil. Following a faint trail of clues that lead to the villainous Russian oligarch, Sator. However, this is a race against time. As the suffocating stranglehold of the invisible threat tightens, more and more, the future of our world is in danger. Can two agents working alone avert the impending Armageddon?
Review- The plot is full of discontinuity and random plot elements, and the main time-reversal issue is never adequately explained or shown. Even the cryptic “Tenet” keyword never seems to appear outside of the trailer cuts. The most annoying aspect was the often incomprehensible audio, due to masks and bad editing, that made many key moments a total mystery.
The plot is also littered with bad science of every possible kind. And random statements that make no real sense. And when viewed as an ongoing story, make you stop and say, how did we ever get here? The gun and bullet demonstration sticks in my mind as total and complete cinematic plot garbage.
I don’t doubt this could have been a masterful movie. But unlike Memento or Inception, the script and story continuity were not up to the complex story task. The one word that sticks in my mind about this movie is disappointing. After the long delay, I expected something a lot better than this. Maybe a later edit will fix this, but it certainly doesn’t need to get any longer.