HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Many types of research back this functional training for fat-loss.
Tuck Jump to Plank
In This HIIT Session, we will:
- Stand up straight and clasp your hands in front of your chest.
- Bend your knees and press your hips and glutes back slightly, then press through your feet and swing your arms to jump up as high as you can, engaging your core and bringing your knees into your chest as you do so.
- Bend your knees as you land. From here, bend forward at the waist to place your palms on the ground and then jump your feet back into a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked over your wrists, back straight, legs extended, and core and glutes engaged. Pause for a moment in this position and then jump your feet forward and stand back up.
- This is 1 rep. Continue performing reps without pausing for 30 to 45 seconds.
This move, which closely resembles a burpee, works essentially every muscle in your legs, plus your core, biceps, triceps, and upper back, says Mansour. Be sure to engage your abs as you bring your knees up to your chest. Then, during the plank portion, press down through your palms (not just your fingertips) and keep your shoulder blades engaged.
Beginner modification: Start with three to five tuck jumps with a double bounce in-between each rep, suggests Jenkins. From there, practice going from a standing position to walking your feet back into a plank for 10 reps.
Triple Knee to Side Lunge
With this HIIT, you will be warmed up completely.
- Stand up straight with your chest lifted, feet hip-width apart, and arms resting by your sides.
- Starting with your right knee, quickly drive your knees one at a time into your chest as high as possible while pumping your arms three times. As you do so, keep your chest lifted and core engaged, and land on the balls of your feet.
- After three knee drives (two with your right knee, one with your left), pause with your right leg lifted and knee bent, and then step out to the right side about 2 feet.
- From here, hinge forward at your hips, push your butt back, and bend your right knee to lower into a lateral lunge. Your left leg should stay straight.
- Pause for a second, and then push off your right leg to return to standing.
- Repeat the triple knee sequence, this time beginning and ending with your left knee. Then do a lateral lunge to your left side.
- Continue this pattern, alternating sides, for 30 to 45 seconds.
This high-knee lateral lunge combo will get your heart rate up and also challenge your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. As you move into the side lunge, make sure that you land with a soft knee, she adds. This will help protect your knee and hip from undue stress.
Beginner modification: Break this compound movement into two separate exercises, suggests Jenkins. Do 10 to 15 side lunges and then 30 seconds of high knees; switch sides and repeat.
Squat Jump Heel Taps
The intensity will be High Up with this HIIT!
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes angled slightly out.
- Bend your knees and push your hips and butt back into a squat, keeping your core engaged and chest lifted. As you lower your body down, raise your arms straight out in front of you.
- Pause for a moment at the bottom of the movement and then press through your heels to jump up as high as you can, swinging your arms as you do so and tapping your heels together at the top of the jump.
- Bend your knees as you land and immediately sink back into a squat.
- Continue this movement for 30 to 45 seconds.
You’ll work your inner thighs, quads, and glutes with these plyometric squats. As with the previous move, make sure that you land each jump with soft knees (not locked out straight), says Mansour.
Beginner modification: Remove the jump and just do the sumo squats for 30 to 45 seconds.
V-Hold Leg Scissors
This HIIT will get you the Burns.
- Sit on the ground and place your hands by your butt, palms flat, fingers pointed forward, and elbow slightly bent.
- Lean your torso back, keep your chest lifted, and extend your legs straight out and up so that your body forms a V.
- From here, engage your core, point your toes, and cross your right foot over your left, uncross your feet, and then bring your left foot over your right.
- Hold this position and continue crossing your feet over one another for 30 to 45 seconds.
This core-centric move targets the rectus abdominis and transverse abdominis (a deep core muscle that wraps around the sides and spine) as well as the inner and outer thighs, says Mansour. Also, because of the bent arm positioning, you’ll work your triceps and the muscles that stabilize your shoulders. If you feel too much stress on your wrist joints as you kick, try angling your wrists out to the side, says Mansour. This should reduce some of the pressure. Make sure your chest stays lifted, your elbows stay bent, and your core stays engaged as you perform this move, she adds.
Beginner modification: Bend your knees and simply hold your legs up without kicking, suggests Jenkins.
Walk Out Plank to Push-Up
With this HIIT, we’re almost done!
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Bend forward at the waist to place your palms on the ground and then walk your hands forward to a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked over your wrists, back straight, legs extended, and core and glutes engaged.
- Once you’re in a high plank position, lower your chest to the ground to perform a push-up. After you’ve done a push-up, walk your hands back toward your feet and return to standing.
- Continue this pattern for 30 to 45 seconds.
This burpee regression works your hamstrings and glutes along with your shoulders and core. Make sure you press through your entire palms as much as possible when you walk yourself out and back, and also as you do the push-ups. This will help take some pressure off your wrists.
Beginner modification: After you walk out to a high plank position, drop to your knees for the push-up, says Jenkins.
Squat to Plank
The last HIIT, if you know what i mean 😉
- Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and clasp your arms in front of your chest.
- Bend your knees and press your hips and butt back into a squat, keeping your core engaged and chest lifted as you lower down.
- Pause at the bottom of the movement and then bend forward at the waist to place your palms on the ground.
- Jump your feet back so that your body is in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders stacked over your wrists, back straight, legs extended, and core and glutes engaged.
- Pause in the plank position for a moment and then jump your feet forward.
- Stand halfway up to resume the squat position. Hold for a moment and then transition to the high plank position again.
- Continue this pattern for 30 to 45 seconds.
All the Courtesy for the exercises goes to SELF.
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