Model Of The Universe’s Evolution Is Confirmed

Astrophysicists believe the matter to be in unimaginably large threadlike structures made of hot gas that are so-called filaments. These filaments connect and surround galaxy clusters and galaxies.
Now, a team led by the University of Bonn has observed a 50 million light-years long gas filament for the first time. The predictions of computer simulations and the structure of this filament is very similar, Thus, this observation confirms our notions about the evolution and origin of the universe. The results of this study are published in the Astronomy and Astrophysics journal.
A tiny aberration is responsible for our existence. The Big Bang occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago. This event was responsible for starting the concept of space and time. Also, it is responsible for creating all matter that made the universe. Despite being initially concentrated in one specific point, this phenomenon expanded at breakneck speed to form a gigantic cloud of gas wherein matter was approximately distributed uniformly.
Now, this process did not happen completely. The cloud was a little denser in some parts when compared to the others. This is the reason for the existence of stars, galaxies, and planets today. Gravitational forces that took gas from their surroundings were exerted by the denser areas. This is why more and more matter started getting concentrated in different regions at a time. However, the space between them started becoming emptier with time.
After 13 billion years, a type of sponge-like structure was developed that had large holes only with no matter. These holes had areas in between where a thousand galaxies and more were gathered together in one place to form a galaxy cluster.


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